Check the data in your sample file prior to sending it to PRA. Make sure the column labels match the list of mandatory fields.
- How many students are in your sample file? Does this match what you stated on the Registration?
- Check that there is only 1 record (row) for each student; no duplicate records. If a student is enrolled in more than one program (such as a double major), you can include the CIP code for the second major in an optional field in your sample file.
- Are the CIP codes in two-dot-four format (xx.xxxx), e.g. 11.0701, 52.0201?
- What is the average age of the students in your sample? What is the age range? Does this match your expectations for the ages of first year Bachelor students at the start of Fall 2024 semester?
- What percent of females are in your sample file? How does this compare to other gender statistics at your institution? Do students with a gender code of 1 have a female name?
- Conduct other checks on your sample data to ensure it meets expectations and the criteria specified in Standard Sample and Mandatory fields.