CUSC Procedures Manual

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  5. Appendix. Additional Questions

Appendix. Additional Questions

See also Additional questions


  1. Ensure that your institution’s additional questions fit with CUSC-CCREU’s mission and purpose and do not lengthen the survey inordinately.
  2. Additional questions will appear on separate page(s) or screen(s) in the online survey.
  3. They must stand alone; they cannot be inserted into a section of CUSC questions.  However, you can choose after which CUSC section each additional question will be placed in your survey. 
  4. An additional question may branch from a response to a CUSC standard survey question, e.g. asking students who are dissatisfied with food services why they are dissatisfied.
  5. Additional questions must be submitted in the order that they will appear in your institution’s survey.
  6. If your additional questions are approved, they will display in the language(s) that you submitted them (English and/or French).  If you submit questions in only one language and a student chooses to respond to the survey in the other language, the questions will appear only in the language you submitted them, e.g. questions and response options in French on the English version of the survey.

Note: Institutions participating as members cannot modify CUSC-CCREU standard survey questions.  Non-member institutions may choose to omit CUSC-CCREU standard survey questions for an additional cost.

If you add a question that has multiple items, each item is considered a separate question.  There is a cost for each additional question.

At least 4 weeks prior to the start of your survey, prepare your additional questions using the template below and email them to for consideration by the Additional Questions Committee.  The Committee may return submitted questions to you with suggested changes.