Student insights with a different perspective

Measures and Benchmarks

How are your students doing?
How are you measuring your undergraduate students’ engagement and satisfaction with your institution? How are your students doing compared to students at other post-secondary institutions?
Post-secondary institutions look to Institutional Research professionals for clear-eyed analysis and recommendations. Participating in CUSC surveys gives you the data you need to deliver these.
For 30 years, CUSC surveys have been providing a broad base of comparative and collective data on the undergraduate student experience to drive Canadian post-secondary institution improvements.


CUSC surveys operate on a three-year cycle – first year, middle years, and graduating students.

Taking Part

Your institution can take part in CUSC surveys as either a member or non-member. A survey results package and a wide variety of optional additions are available.


Each year, CUSC produces a master report and holds a national results webinar.

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