Request Results

Each university that participates in CUSC owns its survey data. CUSC members make data available to other members of the Consortium according to the Data Licensing and Membership Agreement . This Agreement prohibits the Corporation or any member of the Consortium from releasing the data of any other university. The Corporation does not own the data and cannot release it with the identities of universities disclosed.

If you would like survey results from a specific university, please contact that university. Usually, the Institutional Research or Institutional Analysis and Planning department deals with CUSC data. The university may choose not to release any results. If you would like aggregate results from several universities, please contact the CUSC-CCREU Data Requests Committee, using the request form below. The CUSC-CCREU Requests Committee will respond with any questions regarding the request. A fee may be charged for these results depending on the complexity and amount of time to complete your request.

Request Results

Point of Contact

The person who the CUSC-CCREU Requests Committee will deal with directly.

Request Details

It may be helpful to put your request in the form of a question. You may need to formulate more than one research question.

Report Details

Do you want the information specified as counts or percentages?
Do you want results that are weighted or not weighted?
In the CUSC-CCREU master reports, results are weighted to compensate for the discrepancies between the population of students among participating institutions and the sample population.

Maximum file size: 32.51MB

Please provide a template for a report layout. Include the survey questions you are interested in receiving. If you want crosstabs of information, please identify the variables (e.g., gender, ethnicity
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