CUSC Procedures Manual

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  3. CUSC Procedures Manual
  4. Invitation and reminders
  5. Via email
  6. Institution email system and white list

Institution email system and white list

Your institution’s email servers might be configured to block emails or tag emails as spam that contain links to outside web addresses. Please check with your IT department to ensure that your institution’s systems will not block the invitation and reminder messages. PRA will provide institutions with the IP address(es) of the email server(s) that will send the messages so you can arrange for your IT department to white list them. PRA will need confirmation at least one week prior to the start of your institution’s survey that the appropriate steps have been taken to ensure emails will reach students.

If white listing is not done by your institution and emails bounce, PRA is not responsible for re-sending the emails. You will be charged for an additional reminder if you choose to have PRA re-send the emails.