CUSC Procedures Manual

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  5. Special sample

Special sample

In addition to the standard sample, you can include a special sample that does not have to meet the standard sample definition. This is a way to survey students who cannot be included in the standard sample or to oversample certain groups of students (e.g. Indigenous, international, those in a particular academic program).

The special sample data should be provided in the same format as the standard sample (see Format of the sample file). The special sample records must be distinguished from the standard sample records in the Sample field with the value “special”. Students in the special sample will be contacted using the same invitation email and reminders as the standard sample and on the same schedule.

The responses from both the standard sample and the special sample will be included in your institution’s SPSS and Excel data files with a field to indicate the sample from which each came. PRA will use only the responses from the standard sample in your institution report and the master report. This means that responses from students in the special sample will not be shared with other institutions.

Please indicate on the Registration if you will be providing a special sample.